>>11122983 lb
Autists is not a euphemism. Nobody can last here with the rapid breads, constant shilling, and coded comms without being slightly touched… I too share your social ineptness. To the contrary however, I've embraced my oddity. My occupation is somewhat of a forced close quarters social experiment and I literally run it.
So many of my counterparts live in the world of entertainment… Anytime I open the door to politics or God, they seem to only have movie quotes as replies. One of our atheists the other day literally just kept replying with movie quotes from films in the 2000s. Quite literally programmed. Not an original thought in his mind that I've witnessed…
I've always joked about not being able to dance or sing because I am incapable of hearing the music. It's just noise to me. I also can't remember a movie quote to save my life. I truly believe that I'm incapable of being programmed by movies and music.
Information on the other hand is intoxicating and I am quite capable of drinking the hopium. I've gone down all the rabbit holes and see the plausibility of all. I've latched on to Q with full force and haven't stopped since day 1.
We are all here for a reason and it reminds me of the south park episode of cartman not being influenced by the msm