I know that the Q team is really busy right now but I wanted to make you aware that the Cameron Peak fire west of Fort Collins, CO has been spreading rapidly thanks to the extremely high winds northern Colorado has been experiencing this week. Any chance y'all could fire up that weather gizmo and drench the blaze, or maybe smother it with snow? This is one of the most beautiful places in the country, and it is being incinerated at an alarming pace. It's also getting kind of hard to breathe here.
You're supporting a candidate for President who has been in government for 47 years with few, if any, accomplishments, who has somehow managed to become a multimillionaire on a government salary? And you call us shortbus window licking retards? Think about it. Where did all that money come from?
After almost three years of "soon", I think that many anons are just craving a happy ending…and that would be a very happy ending for that thread of the Great Awakening.