Field McConnell recently did an interview with someone about this.
Field McConnell recently did an interview with someone about this.
Wow. That adds an entirely new dimension to the issue. These ones trying to take away free speech aren't from here.
Methods of commerce would have to change overnight, if not sooner, if the internet went down. Credit cards would no longer work, many cash registers would fail, supply chains would be broken, etc. As a programmer, it has always troubled me how dependent we have become on the internet. Where tech is involved, there must be a backup plan. Always. Sometimes, the electricity actually goes down. And these days, when that happens, stores must close because they are no longer capable of conducting business without power.
Huh? Maybe if you reword that a bit, it will make sense?
From my perspective, you're kinda fucked over there already. You've been letting those "refugees" walk all over you.
On the plus side, they wouldn't be able to spy on us anymore.
Very nice!
I can't even make sense of the grammar in your question.
You haven't heard of computer viruses and what they are capable of doing?
That's a start.
Apples aren't inpenetrable. I've known someone whose Mac got attacked. His tech said that there were viruses from just about every 3-letter in there.
Virtual window. Yes, that sounds like a good idea. I'll second that.
That doesn't make sense. How can it be that there are only that many planes in the sky? Are you sure you didn't limit the returns somehow?
I might have to go outside and see if the usual string of lights is heading into LAX.
Yeah, it's strange. There were a few low-flying craft out there. But I couldn't see the traffic lane into LAX. It's slightly foggy out there, but not so much that is should have obliterated plane lights.
Salt Lake City?
I do know, though, that LAX actually closes for certain hours. It seems 24/7, but at least parts of it aren't.