That's the point nigger.
Satanists burning the elderly alive, right on cue.
We get it nigger, ffs kys.
>We need to be saved
Wrong attitude and why whites hate you and all other darkies. You need to save you. Maybe we'll help.
>sandnigger fecal streaks superimposed on white's eyebrows
Is this some kind of new kike propaganda?
>refuge from niggerbrain normies
>outsiders somehow are a benefit
>diversity is our strength goy
Try again nigger.
>then we are coming to fix yours
What part of no foreign entanglements do you not understand anon? USA has been misused to intervene in other countries. We can help if they want it and it makes sense for us, but fuck intervensionism.
The original Starbucks logo has the mermaid spreading her legs and showing her snatch.
According to the kike CEO of Starbucks Howard Schultz they do.
I remember when your franc was 'pegged' to the euro for being too strong and harming your trade. I'll be watching for your updates thanks.
When the AIDS finally takes your life noone will miss you.
>t.turkroach mudslime