>Clowns attacking our connection heavily right now for posting this. Proves Q research board is run by The Clowns. They attack our vpn in a massive attack, then they attack the network.
If the clowns were attacking your connection, you wouldn't be able to post, for a start. Next: you are implying you host your shitty blog from your own pipes, thus making it possible to attack "your network". Furthermore, you imply CodeMonkey is comped by giving Clowns access to accesslogs to see where you're posting from, when it is certain by this point that Trump severed their NSA cord that would allow them to do so. To sum up, you're saying all of your network is a single-point-of-failure VPN with no backups and that the VPN itself leaks clearnet IPs.
This shows either that you're full of shit, or that "real Q" was a babby-tier operation able to be kicked down with the slightest push from a not even that experienced hacker. Fuck, experience just setting up networks is enough to drop your operation.
I'm opting to go with the first, because nobody is that stupid to run earth-shattering ops from a single virtual private network. Even the pedos had to use TOR.
tl;dr you picked the wrong neighborhood to spew your fake networking shit, faggot