Has this picture been photo shopped?
I recall the clue was about the position of people
It seems Bill Clinton's chair does not have the 2 rear legs
It's possible if the camera is directly in front of Wild Bill that they are simply obstructed by the front legs
But look at the left of Wild Bill, it just doesn't look like that is the case
Is this the original photo?
Did someone shop this for the meme?
Did Q shop this to send a message?
Was this faked right form the start?
Was Wild Bill even there?
The man on the left is beneath Doves
The 2 men in the center (One is Podesta) are in front of a crashing wave - The Storm. These 3 men are all wearing dark ties. Of the 3, the man on the right has the wave crashing down on him the most. Q said position of the photo matters
While the other 2 men on each end are wearing similar color ties
There is also a large dove on the bottom right of the painting towards the woman
The doves have more significance with the NK peace talks
The left Dove guy has his hands in the position of
https:// www.wikiwand.com/en/Merkel-Raute
If Wild Bill was not in on it, was Germany? Weren't they accused of providing nuke tech to bad actors in the last while?