I have posted about spoopy stuff with 10/17 before. The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia began in October, 1917 (10/17).
A few notable events in my life occurred on 10/17 in various years. All were pretty dramatic and life changing.
For a while I viewed 10/17 with some trepidation. However, because of my faith being renewed it does not bother me, though it continues to be associated (I think) with lie changing events.
When did Q begin to post? 10/17
What is today? 10/17.
J is the 10th letter of the alphabet.
Q is the 17th.
JQ? I don't think its what some might be thinking. I think it is the "Jesus question". Receiving Jesus and believing in Him is a death to life, dark to light moment…and there's no going back! You are free.
Maybe we will have an October Revolution here. Back to a future of peace, hope and love through God's work in our lives.