Looks like a miserable cunt. Typical for a leftie.
Spread this shit far and wide on socials.
Looks like a miserable cunt. Typical for a leftie.
Spread this shit far and wide on socials.
Generals supposedly do as well, but you see how that's worked out.
2012 election, ANY fake news website would have laughed at the suggestion to plant this question. 2020 it's somehow "normal" conversation. At least, that's what they've been shoving down everyone's throats.
The vast majority of Americans think this is INSANE.
Ask yourself WHY are they pushing this bullshit so hard?
Congressman (((Kaufmann))) tells Ukraine how to vote. Pretends Crimea is "occupied" by Russia.
Crimeans WANT to be apart of Russia bc they ARE Russian.
That Devon and Hunter were paid an EXTRA 25k PER MONTH from Burisma, at least, on top of 83k.