>>11129644 (lb)
So why does the JEWISH community ensure most of their people walk with God but blind others, & enrich those that aid in keeping the vail of darkness over the masses eye???
>>11129644 (lb)
So why does the JEWISH community ensure most of their people walk with God but blind others, & enrich those that aid in keeping the vail of darkness over the masses eye???
Enlightenment without using force is what Jesus stand for right???& i never understood why the JEW didnt kill Jesus themselves, why get the ROMANS too do the deed??? The didn't want innocent blood on their hands, but the condemned him?????
>>11129644 (lb)
So why does the JEWISH community ensure most of their people walk with God but blind others, & enrich those that aid in keeping the vail of darkness over the masses eye???
LMFAOOO!!! >They didn't
damnit that's a good answer
SO in this story we living now, POTUS is (kind of like) Jesus, They let Barbborus free (biden, clinton, etc.) while blaming Trump for all the bad???
>He died in old age in a whole different area out east.
Im assuming this is due to the rebirth???
>Reel it back in, anon.
hhahaha i'm just trying to make sense of what's happening, no way so many people can be ignorant to the Bidens/Clinton/Obama crimes… but if you plug it into the story of Jesus it makes sense, They just don't want to admit that POTUS really is trying to ENLIGHTEN the masses/herd/sheep
Bruce Jenner isn't alive, but Caitlyn Jenner is…
am i right Q??? 100% not going to answer that one BET YOU
>wasn't ever killed.
I heard that he was hung from a tree not nailed to a cross, now im hearing he was never killed at all… I could see using crucified in the none literal way
FUCK that's dark… i googled her, S/he literally got away with manslaughter with a sex change… & weirdly enough they used "caitlynn jenner" instead of "bruce jenner" … so they retrograded his/her name
>you've got hanged man and an Odin reference tied in to one.
Odin??? the Nordic god???
>wasn't a "cross".
why was the cross included??? what symbol symbolize???