Anonymous ID: 61a899 Oct. 17, 2020, 10:19 p.m. No.11130912   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is how corrupt officials keep each other in check. They all have dirt on each other to keep anyone from snitching


Here's my thoughts: Cooney had dirt on Hunter Biden and others this whole time(they all had dirt on each other). Cooney likely has more dirt that's not on the Hunter hard drive also. Remember Cooney was arrested/sentence for some other scheme unrelated to Joe Biden(for now anyway). Cooney stays tight-lipped and does his time because in his mind he thinks Joe Biden/China is going to be a shoo-in for 2020. ….Was Cooney waiting for Joe Biden to win 2020 so Biden could write him a POTUS pardon?… Who knows 30 months in prison is nothing when you got millions waiting for ya.


Now fast forward….The Hunter Biden Hardrive is dripping out documents, Joe Biden not looking so good weeks before the election. Cooney is now sucking ass wanting to snitch because that POTUS pardon is no longer in play and or those millions won't be attainable considering.