NOVA anon (northern virginia) here… a great sprawling bedroom community for hundreds, maybe MILLIONS of overpaid/underaccountable government workers. They have devastated the old local towns and sleepy cross roads just within an hour’s commute. Some have even spread their swampgas poison minds a few hours around DC. Heartbreaking what they have done to farm country and small town life. Unrecognizable.
Biden signs everywhere. Old small town, 99% masked-up. Almost sick, stopping into hardware and Napa for wintertiming barns and tractors. There are a few old farms still working around here, but it is definitely weird.
You made me share that anon… it’s been tough here too. But like no other, Trump HAS uplifted my optimism for the future. But if We can’t pull this through peacefully… thisanon is so ready to MadMax the swamp-gassers and start anew. Chin up.