Trump took a huge pay cut to save the world.
Q lost nothing.
Trump took a huge pay cut to save the world.
Q lost nothing.
Stop worshiping Q.
Q is a government worker who does what he/she's told.
Who are you?
Q is a government worker who does what he/she is told to do. Trump leveraged billions to save the world.
Baron will kick your ass.
Trump gave up billions to save the world.
Anons gave nothing but posted on the internet.
Trump loves you I don't.
The internet will go the way of the transistor radio.
The internet is fake news.
The internet is controlled by the CIA.
The Nazis invented the CIA.
Satan loves the CIA.
25% of the people I know died in breaking news embarrassing ways.
This could be you.
Are you ready to die?
I grew up with Hunter Bidens. It doesn't end well.
Trump is learning being president isn't big deal.
I was here.
I rejected Communism.
I filmed a movie about it.
Rah rah Trump ignore Q's hypocrisy.
Dear Melania the Catholic Church is run by Satan. I was a 1st to 6th grade Catholic student.
Rape was normal.
I don't care do you?
I don't care do you?
Walt Disney wants to rape you.
Most QANONS are retarded.
There is no QANON there is Q a government worker and ANON a dork who posts on this website.
There is no QANON there is Q a government worker and ANON a dork who posts on this website.
Trump would die without the regular folks support.
Q works 9 to 5 for the government.
Biden will win if Republicans don't Vote Trump.
I have never been paid for preaching the Gosple.
Pastors are assholes.
No I don't want to run the church
Jews invented Christianity.
You are retarded. Jesus hates you.
Jesus hats grammar fags.
Grammar fags hate Jesus.
Satan invented hates grammar.