When "the event" happens will they use words such as "It is like a biblical flood"?
made with the freshest baby parts harvested by Planned Parenthood
I hope I'm still alive when the movie is made about this movie… Kek
has California pols been receiving CCP funds from China to keep going since siphon system for Fed dollars dried up?
China was "opened up" to avoid a nuclear WW3. Chinks got no problem genociding their own people, so they have absolutely no inhibitions for nuclear genocide of foreigners.
The nuclear avoidance plan has worked, but America got lazy and complacent and allowed the Chinese thugs to infiltrate and corrupt the western democracies.
So now we find ourselves in a game of chicken, and the Chinks are going "all in" for world domination… ahead of schedule and not on their own terms. They were forced before they were ready.