n 2016, the Vatican was pulling for Hillary Clinton. Just days before the presidential election, Pope Francis renewed his criticism of politicians who speak about erecting “walls.” This led Slate and other publications to run such headlines as “It Sure Sounds Like Pope Francis Doesn’t Think Americans Should Vote for Trump.” Several Francis-friendly prelates ran interference for Hillary Clinton. San Jose’s bishop, Patrick McGrath, wrote a letter to his flock in which he said that Donald Trump’s complaint of a rigged system “borders on the seditious.” According to the Italian press, many of Pope Francis’s aides viewed Trump’s victory as a “bitter defeat.”
In 2020, the Vatican is once again running interference for a pro-abortion Democrat. Joe Biden fashions himself as a Pope Francis Catholic. He brags about his cozy relationship with Pope Francis. In 2016, the Vatican invited Joe Biden to a conference about medicine, a scandalous invite given that Biden supports making scientific use of aborted embryos. Biden gushed about the anti-capitalism of Pope Francis: “We need to create a culture which, as Pope Francis reminds us, cannot just be based on the worship of money. We cannot accept a nation in which billionaires compete as to size of their super-yachts.”