Then we ship you off to China to have your redundant organs removed.
OK I will be serious if you're serious.
Trump is not going to lose. "IF Trump Loses" that means God allows this nation to be judged by a sack of dirty commies that will sell the nation off to China. The enemy can not sift a single GRAIN of wheat without God's permission/
God chose Trump, God put the team together. Q and Q+ respect and fear God and that is the key to a successful nation. When a nation gets too big for its britches and pushes God aside you get judgement, typically by enemies that many do not realize were allowed by God to execute the judgement, i.e the Bible.
I have never seen anything like this in my long and crusty life. God is behind every bit of this plan and it will succeed. He is moving mightily. But get out and VOTE and meme and pray.