Anonymous ID: 14a1f6 April 20, 2018, 7:23 a.m. No.1114442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4514

The whole purpose of the rumored "HRC video", aka "" about HRC and Huma torturing and murdering a young girl is to shift the Overton Window of what the public is willing to accept. John Q. Public would never mentally accept HRC and Huma flailing a girls face off. It's to absurd and shocking for the average mind to accept and any excuse, such as beeing a 'deepfake' would be gladly accepted to discredit it. However, they are now subconsciously willing to accept that simply "a video" exist as their mind has been primed. So when a video is released with something much more mundane as certain members of the Clinton Cabal simply discussing committing various acts of fraud, human trafficking, money laundering or treasonous acts, its much more palatable, acceptable, and therefore, in the public's eye, likely to be true.