What is going to happen with this Oregon election breach? We know theynwill burn their own state down and now openly allow any actor to fuck with the election for any reason. Fuck this country.
Cosweda needs to stick to WW1 flamethrowers. He is 100% wrong about this and embarrassingly so. I ran the operations myself and saw for myself you can stop an in process ballot and print a new one without even an actual signature.
people claiming this have been "debunked" are full of shit. Anyone can verify themselves you can get into anyones voter records and start fucking with it in various ways. Theres nothing
debunked about it. Fucking people stop buying lies and check for yourselves. Cosweda gets one bad link because he is a fucking computer illiterate retard and the whole board just buys his bullshit. Also, he hates Q..
I have never had so much hate and rage built up for democrats in my life. This is how wars start, people.
photos of the drivers licenses