Anonymous ID: bd3f59 Oct. 18, 2020, 6:03 p.m. No.11144124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4160 >>4167 >>4432 >>4495

Cal Cunningham First Democrat in 22 Years Not to Receive Charlotte Observer Endorsement


The papers wrote:


His [Cunningham’s] lack of judgment during a race that could swing the balance of power in Washington, as well as his selfishness in taking this risk, should deeply trouble North Carolinians. We’re especially concerned about Cunningham’s response to the revelations, which may offer a glimpse into the kind of senator he’d be. If elected, he’ll face his share of flammable issues and controversial votes he’ll need to explain. But in these past two weeks, he’s avoided questions about his behavior — whether it’s part of a pattern, how it conflicts with his military obligations, and if it involved any campaign funds. That’s not accountability. It’s political strategy.


Shoulda kept it in his pants.

Anonymous ID: bd3f59 Oct. 18, 2020, 6:10 p.m. No.11144247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4439

'The Democratic party left us': how rural Minnesota is making the switch to Trump


“The Democratic party left us. Even in the past four years it’s changed so much. Supporting people who riot? Defunding the police? That’s crazy. I think a lot of us up here are Democrats in Republican clothing now,” he said.


Cuffe, who twice voted for Barack Obama, is one of six mayors from a stretch of Minnesota mining country, known as the Iron Range, who turned their back on the Democratic party and signed a joint letter endorsing Trump even as the state is swinging behind the president’s opponent, Joe Biden

Anonymous ID: bd3f59 Oct. 18, 2020, 6:13 p.m. No.11144306   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4432 >>4495

Will flag-waving Latinos win Florida for Trump?


HIALEAH, Fla. — President Donald Trump has long known that his reelection hinges on him winning the battleground state of Florida — and part of that strategy means getting Cuban Americans in South Florida to the polls in large numbers.


But in Hialeah, a working-class, predominantly Cuban city just outside of Miami, a vote for Trump has become about more than just him, or even the Republican Party. It’s about patriotism.


A drive past the city’s biggest intersections shows vendors selling Trump 2020 swag and American flags. And car caravans with dozens of Trump supporters around the city have become a regular occurrence, filled with loud honking and Trump and American flags flung outside windows.


It’s a level of energy for Trump’s reelection — and a show of unabashed nationalism — that Republicans and Democrats alike here agree was not as visible in the past. Many immigrants are deeply patriotic, and for some of them, Trump’s tactics, from flag-hugging to the demonization of Democrats as lefty socialists, resonate. That’s what’s playing out in Hialeah, known as la Ciudad que Progresa, or City of Progress. And countering that is no small challenge for Democrats.

Anonymous ID: bd3f59 Oct. 18, 2020, 6:17 p.m. No.11144357   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4432 >>4495

Hunter Becomes the Hunted



…the U.S. federal government had every reason to know that associates of Hunter Biden, who himself had obtained a lucrative deal with a Ukrainian gas company, were being prosecuted for a massive fraud scheme with one participant, Devon Archer, identified in both activities at the same time the U.S. federal government was probing the partly contemporaneous dealings of Paul Manafort and Rick Gates in Ukraine with an electric cattle prod.


The latter probe was explicitly linked by the Mueller team to the U.S. 2016 election – although the actual Manafort and Gates activities taken to court were all from before 2015. No connection with the U.S. 2016 election was ever established.


The links from the tribal bonds participants, in particular Devon Archer’s, to Hunter Biden would have been of greater potential significance to the 2016 election, given the numerous connections during the election campaign among story elements relevant to the Biden-Ukraine narrative. Those elements include the Democratic Party, Ukraine, scurrilous gossip about candidate Trump, the U.S. embassy in Ukraine, the State Department’s USAID, and U.S. funds in Ukraine overseen by Vice President Joe Biden, as well as the connection with a major donor to the Democratic Party and prominent partner of USAID in Ukraine, George Soros.


The timeframe of chargeable activities in the tribal bonds case, March 2014 through April 2016, was almost exactly contemporaneous with Hunter Biden’s and Devon Archer’s involvement with Burisma, and eventually Joe Biden’s chat with Petro Poroshenko.

Anonymous ID: bd3f59 Oct. 18, 2020, 6:20 p.m. No.11144411   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4432 >>4495

Is this another reason the FBI hid the Hunter Biden Laptop?


Food for thought


It didn’t surprise the informed, and understandably a bit cynical, to hear that the FBI sat on Hunter Biden’s laptop instead of seeking justice. The bureau was previously involved in an illegal plot to take down Donald Trump, after all, and its Deep State elements would assuredly love to see Joe Biden succeed him in January. So why would they reveal damning information on their establishment hope? Yet suppressing Huntergate perhaps provided a secondary benefit:


The information could be used against Biden once he was in office.


This wouldn’t be anything new. It’s believed that longtime, legendary FBI director J. Edgar Hoover used “dirt files” on politicians for leverage; for one thing, it’s said, this enabled him to remain bureau head for as long as he wished. William Sullivan, once the number three official under Hoover, put it this way: From the moment the director got damning information on a senator, the man would be “right in his pocket.”


So not only could suppressing Huntergate get Biden in office, but then maybe it’s, “Nice presidency you’ve got there, Mr. Biden — I’d hate to see anything happen to it.”


Since the criminality in question could, apparently, put Hunter in prison along with destroying China Joe, the leverage is profound. It could not only be used to control Biden but also his wife, Jill, in the unlikely event she for a time is able to pull off an Edith Wilson (who supposedly ran the show when Woodrow Wilson became incapacitated). She wouldn’t want to see her stepson in the hoosegow and her family’s reputation ruined, after all.


The leverage could also be used to compel a resignation and clear the deck for Kamala Harris, should elevating her be the Deep State’s desire. Besides, I wouldn’t be surprised if they have dirt on her, too. Given what we know about Harris — sleeping her way to the middle, not prosecuting sex abuse cases involving the rich and powerful, etc. — just imagine what we don’t know.


This, ironically, brings us to one of Trump’s strengths. While the Left has been advancing the projection-based narrative that the president is a corrupt man susceptible to blackmail, he has always struck me as the antithesis of that.


Oh, sure, he’ll use the law to his advantage, as he did with eminent domain (which he touted and is wrong about). As for following the law, though, my read on Trump is that he’s as punctilious about that as he is about germs (he’s a famed germaphobe).


And perhaps this is another reason the Deep State wants Trump gone: You can’t have leverage over a man you can’t get dirt on — and you can’t get dirt on a man who’s fanatical about keeping his hands clean.