ME: Do you know who Natalia Veselnitskaya is?
ME: How about Oleg Deripaska, Joseph Mifsud or Petro Poroshenko?
ME: Do you know what a RICO case is?
You get the fucking picture…..
What the fuck am I supposed to do with all this new info from Levin or OANN nobody is going to give a fuck about?
You know what they relate to? dude is a kid fucker.
Can we please have some ammo we can actually use? Fuck i'm sick of my hands being tied cause everything we know is so deep, tangled and uninteresting to most.
Give us ammo a layman can understand without any spiderweb attached.
If the dude is a kid fucker then the FBI or the DOJ, those that can legally view the material, must say it.
I need, "dude is a kid fucker" in clear english or the folks around me won't snap out of their sleep.
Stop slow playing this. You know how much ground I have to cover? I need time to tell folks not on social media, prove to them I am right and walk them through the horrific process of finding out everything they believed is a lie.
Ok, freak out over. ready for the sprint to the end. But for real, help a nigga out.