SURPRISE! no questions about facebook soldiers at MZ's testimony
There are moments when the realization that the cult is real, the control is/was real, the 16-year-plan… all that, real, hits you with a certain Vertigo.
But by now we've had months and months of back&forth with Q, seeing narrative shifts, seeing real world events unfold, seeing proofs adding up and connections add up.
By now we've built solid trust in Q and the plan, knowing it is true, seeing it is working, understanding it can't unfold as fast and clear as we often wish it could…
Then the comfy just hugs you like a warm blanket: yes, the situation was insanely dire, but just the fact that we can enjoy such confirmations of facts is proof that the worst is behind us.
When Q&A was announced, like many anons, i gasped and had an ohmygodohmygodohmygod moment… WHAT TO ASK?
Threw out a few questions, but it quickly became apparent i couldn't pick a single theory, a single event i wanted to know more than others.
Sure, there's plenty markers and connections and details in the Q crumbs i'd like to understand better, but i'm confident that'll come in time.
Sure, i'd like to have a better view of the schedule and what's coming, but who wouldn't? Enemies would too, so we can't really… in time.
By then i could see the deluge of questions, flooding the board. Sure, lots of dumb questions, but plenty valid and interesting as well.
Why not just sit back and see it all go along, confident that other anons will ask good questions anyway: why want to be picked, to be special? It's not about my input, anyway.
Another lesson learned (and/or repeated) from the Q&A: i'm behind on some qresearch work, often feel guilty for not manageing more time, getting more things done… but it's ok.
It's easy to miss/forget, being isolated IRL from other people who know this, and can understand, but we're all part of this. We've got each other's backs.
And it's an amazing feeling… Thanks again, y'all.
i'm not MemeHarvester anon, but have a thought for him (and all others)… please name your filememes.
death to
great, nice work for a newb, i like the illustrated Q&A
which HRC is that?
440 in a Q&A bread