Of course she posts a great pic of herself and a shitty pic of Tiffany. Nice sister.
Question: It seems from the chinese dude that the chinese had the video of Hunter and the kids also.
So why would Hunter have it?? I can see it coming through as a threat from the CCP, but you'd want to bleach bit that shit off your laptop asap. Unless, you actually ENJOY re-watching it. That's the only reason I can think of.
No, the laptop guy was clear that it was Hunter who dropped them off drunk. And the sticker doesn't mean it's a laptop from the foundation necessarily. Just an advertisement.
Night anons. Let's pray tomorrow is enlightening.
Btw, where the fuck IS Hunter?? You'd think some indy journey at least would track him down and ask some questions…
Well, Q hinted he did it purposefully. Even that seems nuts though bc it implicates Hunter in far worse than pay for play.