so lets get this straight
democrats are known ccp agents
sell out our country for 30+ years
biden chosen to head dnc campaign for president because he's blackmailed, either has no choice or willingly doing so; or both
dems know the info is out there as early as last year
in trying to prevent this info from coming out:
try to impeach trump - fails
have fbi try to hide info - fails
china releases virus - fails and/or leads to:
ccp owned WHO manufacturing fake pandemic either way, using bunk pcr tests, to:
a) blame trump in bid to blame economic suffering / misattributed deaths on him
b) actually cause deaths and economic suffering, causing folks to legitimately turn on him and/or blindly turn on him
this fails
in doing so, ccp and all their bought out politicians:
a) perpetrated act of war
b) violated geneva convention / crimes against humanity
leading us to
a) execution of domestic traitors due to working with a hostile foreign nation
and b) due to violation of geneva convention/crimes against humanity, forces other countries to follow in fight and/or complete sanctions against china
did i miss anything in the timeline?