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F reeman
B undy
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K ennedy
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D uPont
F reeman
I'll just come here for the news anon, and watch media heads on TV that have been 'endorsed' by you guys, and those who have stuck their necks out.
No Name
Be nice to get confirmation on HRC & Obama… kerry, shultz, strok, mccabe, ohrs, abedin, holder, waters, pelosi, jarrett, schumer, brennan, clapper, scmidt, rice, schneiderman, preet, gore, warren, renteria, mika, jackson lee, yates, haberman, corsi, power, natalia …. ecetera etc.
IWe had to grow up with DS ridiculous bullshit.
Gap up needs to at least be filled… dontit
China's GDP for the quarter rises 4.9%. There is no point saucing this.