>>11149118 (PB)
YW. You know, a few countries in Europe have tried to outlaw circumcision, it's barbaric. I wrote an article about it 20 years ago and I'll tell you this for freein my research I watched a circumcision video and I have never, ever in my life felt such pain. In my heart, my brain, my body. here we had a perfect in every way infant boyfresh from his comfy wombstrapped to a board and having his most private of parts hacked off while his mother stands outside. I have never heard such screams, the kind of screams where they cannot scream outload, the screams of the eyes, the shaking tiny bodies..the despairwhere's mom.
NEVER mutilate a body that is not your own. KIKES attack every time anyone tries to outlaw this.
Look at the faces on the girls..why is it a crime to mutilate a girl and OK to mutilate our boys? Because women are fucking monsters.
The kikes chop the baby in a ceremony-then the rabbi SUCKS THE DICK of the infant boy…
a boy's first sexual experience is pleasure (it has to be erect) THEN intense horrific pain, then PLEASURE again as the rabbi sucks him off.
There is no excusing or maneuvering around this. WHAT other person can suck the dick of an infant boy for ANY reason–and no go to jail?
In NY the moiles were killing babies sucking their mutilated dicks and giving them herpes. NY tried to outlaw it. Impossible.
Also the foreskin is worth BIG BUCKS. 1500 to the doctor that chpps–then the foreskin is sold for face creams.
STOP chopping the boys. PLEASE. even in my small circle I know 2 boys whose mother "didn't like foreskins" and had them chopped (dad was intact) and both boys got their dicks mutilated and needed reconstruction surgery. It's more common than you think.
Stop the Chop! spread the word. Make Jews easy to ID again (kek)