Black Science man has a physics PhD - more than a popularizer of science needs.
The problem is BSM is NOT telling us what science has already done.
What happens when the rate of change of the rate of change at which new, objectively true knowledge is created tips infinite ?
This is an aspect of the singularity.
We have no further need to compete for material resources, the cost of complexity goes to zero, making it "free' Universal factories can be computationally reconfigured in minutes to produce any product including other factories identical or superior to itself.
No where else in nature do we see a species that can create something more complex than itself. A baby is the most complex thing species create. We have broken through what JVN called 'the complexity barrier'
JVN built one of the first computer. The government used it for bomb physics but JvN was interested in something else, digital evolution, which is why most of the non military time of the computer at Princeton went to