17 miles
1st and 10 on the 40
Potus Newport twatter video
Vid starts at 3304 Via Lido
travel 17 miles north on 1
and guess where you end up
17 miles
1st and 10 on the 40
Potus Newport twatter video
Vid starts at 3304 Via Lido
travel 17 miles north on 1
and guess where you end up
Balboa peninsula
Rocky meme
and the Standard hotel helicopter crash was in Newport beach
Q drop
Do you see a pattern?
includes twat about CP on Hunters Laptop
fake news link about Hunter and Hookers
2 hrs and 15 minutes delta to Potus Newport twat
Apr 18
Oct 18
18 months
549 days or 4+5+9 =18
Ron Johnson
Aaron Rupar
18 mins between
Do you see a pattern drops
Breitbart story about Erik Prince and Weiner laptop
Then 7 mins to the next do you see a pattern drop
7 Mins??
Youtube vid by Robbins videos about Killary in Haiti