Isn't part of the problem that we are acknowledging the identity of said assholes? Whenever we refer to them by an ident, it reenforces the namefagging and fame fagging. They should get called out, and crushed hard. My thinking. Doxxed or whatever it takes.
Those are the BV's? There are just a handful of them
Bahrain signing a peace deal with Israel
So Bannon is orchestrating the roll out of the Hunter laptop reveal. Wasn't he also setting up a Chinese resistance movement with a Chinese billionaire? I kind of blew it off at the time, but shit now it makes sense.
This is a very excellent article all anons should read. CV and IF are very similar in structure, one is 'left hand' RNA and one is 'right hand' RNA.
think mirror
Guy does a great job of explaining why and how masks are really just virus traps. The longer you wear them on your face, the longer you are walking around sloughing off virus particles into the atmosphere. Unlike a tissue, where you would sneeze and then throw it away.
I think your query is actually backwards. What makes shills animefags? A few weeks ago I asked the same honest question you did, and the answer I got was 'no anime post was ever worth anything, ever.' And so I started watching and observing as this drama has unfolded.
And the advice was totally correct. You can see it as the bread progresses, a faction of anons who just shit the thing up with useless responses and innocent anime pics. I don't get triggered by anime, the way it seems to instantly trigger others. But anime breads are useless breads, that is what I have learned.
Now we have that anime baker faggot starting his breads with Pol anime and his whole crew cucking up the place with their shit. Utterly worthless and definitely not comvfefe.
Just looks like he is standing in front of a mirror made of more than one glass. Like a wall mirror.