It bothers me when folks come in off the bench, not having followed the entire Q stuff the way that many of us have, and toss softball grenades at the rest of us about how "disinformation is necessary" is just a cop-out for "failed predictions".
Their premise that Q is some county fair fortune teller is incorrect, so their results will be equally incorrect.
It is my opinion that Q's primary objective is to ensure that there is a core group of Americans who understand the actual events, crimes & criminals behind the Obamagate coup attempt. Having a central corps of patriots that see through the BS narrative being spun by the MSM will enable each of us to help disseminate information to the contrary when the MSM attempts to provide cover for their handlers.
This is the best analogy I can think of about what Q is here to do.
Let's say 5 years prior to Avengers: Endgame's release, an anonymous message board poster (MCUAnon) says "Thor is going to be disfigured in an upcoming Marvel movie." A likely assumption is going to be that he might lose a hand, or a limb in a fight.
If that info is in the back of your mind when you see Thor: Ragnarok, then when he loses his eye, then you remember this and say, "Ohhhhh, that must've been what they meant when MCUAnon said he would be disfigured."
You might not think anything of it, beyond that. "Prediction" made, apparent "prediction" fulfilled, right?
Avengers: Endgame comes along and we discover Fat Thor is hiding out, playing Fortnite, destroying kegs of beer.
Was that additional wrinkle what MCUAnon was referencing? Letting himself go physically certainly would qualify as being "disfigured" since both the character and the actor usually is the portrait of fitness.
Both conditions - losing an eye and developing a massive beer gut meet the criteria for "disfigured". Both make the statement true, but it's not until you see both with hindsight that you can acknowledge that MCUAnon was correct.
Now, years after the most recent Marvel movie's release it is revealed that MCUAnon is Joe Russo, one of the writers/directors of the last 2 Avengers movies.
Was he making a random "prediction"?
Or was he giving a spoiler to future events that he knew were in the cards?
He was integral to writing the script, so he knew what was coming. It's not until the identity is verified as being someone who can authoritatively speak on the topic that it moves from a prediction from some random dude on the internet who may or may not be connected to Marvel, to being a cryptic spoiler laid down years in advance by someone legitimately in the know. If it was always Russo giving the spoiler, then it was always legit, but not until the identity is verified does it retroactively give credence to things that have played out.