Thank you Jewgle and China-owned Congress and big tech.
Thank you Jewgle and China-owned Congress and big tech.
In short, max looting of whitey taxpayer, selling out to foreign govts, and continued expansion of big govt and the surveillance state while eroding the Constitution out of existence. And the kicker, gun control, so we can't do jackshit about it.
True. We could have undone it through voting but giving free shitters equal voting rights made that an impossibility.
So great. I love how he speaks into the notepad. LOL.
Party in the USA!
Agreed but that just kicks the can down the road. Laws of nature say you can't have free shitters having equal say and there's no way to reverse that legally as it would never pass.
You're a delusional moron and sound as pompous as John Brennan. Eat a nigger dick.
Multiculturalism always results in the death of a nation. Hopefully the patriots win in the end and don't make the same mistakes on the rebuild.
Nothing would surprise me but the more this stuff surfaces, the harder it's going to be for them to not respond to the outrage. Hopefully Trump will make the necessary cabinet changes first thing at the start of his 2nd term to get it done.
Good thread, thanks anon.
If it's that, Trump should roll some heads down Pennsylvania Ave this afteroon.
They only need people stay stupid long enough to vote.
That too.
He's very humble. :p
Agreed. Tom Fitton said the DOJ and FBI are so compromised that Trump must clean house.
Same M.O. Blame Russia to distract while our own fed govt continues to partner with China and big tech.
Speak up, anons.
>such as being on a board that is being monitored by the highest levels in the mi
Straight up fucking ridiculous.
Swing hard, little buddy.
Dying to know what King Nig's cut of the action was.
>Are you sure you want to continue?
Yes, I'll continue fighting for our Constitution to be upheld ,as every patriot should. However, Q has been irrelevant to me for about a year and a half.
Probably moar just based on the homes he owns. I don't think he'll ever be brought to account. Political correctness will make it impossible. Sucks though, he so deserves to hang.