>A civil war is going to happen eventually. It's 100% inevitable
how can you win a civil war when you don't even know who to kill? we just end up killing each other while the puppetmasters get their kicks and steal the spoils.
>A civil war is going to happen eventually. It's 100% inevitable
how can you win a civil war when you don't even know who to kill? we just end up killing each other while the puppetmasters get their kicks and steal the spoils.
A civil war is going to happen eventually. It's 100% inevitable
wrongo keebler. IF a war happens, it will not be a civil war, it will be a revolutionary war. not peons vs peons, but ALL peons united vs the cabal.
>Take the Students phone With the pics, give it to police, no problems that way.
moral of the story, if you want o view CP with impunity, become a cop!
>I've never seen the 2020 left summed up better than I have here.
why are they always cunts? maybe the makeup should be a giant red flag? that psychotic combination of narcissism and insecurity that screams american womanhood. and they want to be leaders, when they don't have enough individuality to step out of the pack and say, "ya know, i don't think staring at myself in a mirror for hours every day is a healthy thing."
>A list is being kept. Last and only warning.
why is 8kun like a bowl of granola?
if you take out the nuts and the fruits, you still have the flakes!
if there's anyone on the board right now who ISN't a shill or a tard, they are awfully quiet. think i'll go watch paint dry.
i did NOT say all women are stupid cunts, only that stupid cunts are the main supporters of the left. take a course in logic, and you will avoid leaping to false conclusions.
>you really think if this was true oil companies would NOT be doing this?
doing WHAT? making oil from limestone? the energy cost would be greater than the energy in the oil. so WHAT exactly do you "think" (and i use the term loosely) "oil companies" would be "doing?"
any anons know what's up with the whatdoesitmean site? been down for hours. tech problems or under attack?
PS - haters pls spare me your opinions on sorcha faal. i find LOTS of good info there, mixed with BS. just like 8kun.
>Imagine you still doubtGod Wins!
imagine… YOU still believe you know who or what God is, and what God's agenda might be. which of you is the arrogant fool?
>we would have drilled into abiotic reservoirs and served them up to you, tard.
how do you know you haven't? serious question.
>imagine… being so arrogant, yet ignorant as to try and proclaim superiority yet fail again miserably.
but i was NOT being arrogant, or claiming superiority. i was CLAIMING ignorance. i don't CLAIM to know God's plan. that was YOU. and i didn't fail miserably, because i was not claiming to know anything, only questioning YOUR arrogant, smug, condescending bullshit.
thx, but i'm still not clear on how you can be so sure that the oil you find is not abiotic? do you find fossils in it, like in coal? i've never heard of that…
>hate it when people (not you anon) think oil guys are dumbfucks…kek
never made that assumption, anon. i'm an old ochem prof. only superficial knowledge of practical geology. genuinely interested and appreciate you taking time to answer. from a purely chemist's point of view, the abiotic "theory" is at least plausible. that's why i asked.
it's a clown/shill anon. stop feeding it. ignore it. it's here trying to make anons look bad. don't play along.