Anonymous ID: 700527 Oct. 19, 2020, 11:30 a.m. No.11155307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5500 >>5520 >>5612 >>6120 >>6605 >>6649 >>6679 >>7031 >>7444 >>8016 >>8818 >>9190 >>9443 >>9574 >>9986

Montauk via Eternal Sunshine, Shutter Island and potentially and symbolically some others.

Geographical area (Montauk/Martha's Vineyard etc) heavily connects to Spielberg's career, see Jaws.

Even the sequel Jaws 2, featured a prominent lighthouse ,which was specifically constructed for the film.


Opposite Montauk Point Light (which is near Plum Island) is Gay Head Light? So combined, that's Gay Head, one-eyed Willie and his 'cop a boning' penis key, with phallic lighthouse, meat/buns/ass and secret caves/crevices. All with 'gooning' young As(s)toria boys via the Docks ("ooohhh, hello sailor") and seeking the booty of Willie. Goon and docking, penis docking, butt pirate overload. Like I mentioned, Goonies Donner produced (gay) Schumacher's The Lost (Gay) Boys. Why are there all these 'homosexually loaded' references filling these works (Goonies is a children's film), albeit in a stealth/cryptic manner? Jaws' Amity Mayor aka Larry Vaughan (pic above left, but obscured), played opposite James Brolin (father of Goonies Josh) in 'family serial killing based' The Amity-ville Horror (1979), with Super-O-men Donner's Lois Lane (Kidder).

Anonymous ID: 700527 Oct. 19, 2020, 11:32 a.m. No.11155339   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5500 >>5520 >>5612 >>6120 >>6605 >>6649 >>6679 >>7031 >>7444 >>8016 >>8818 >>9190 >>9443 >>9574 >>9986

Nazis in Connecticut…the Southbury, Connecticut, Nazi tale.


Newtown, wink, wink (location of the Sandy Hook shootings), is also relatively close by. A Sandy Hook location featured in Nolan's Batty-man: TDKR.


Newtown, Connecticut (mind control central)


Dylan, our beautiful butterfly…Connecticut, Stepford Wives, husbands and children:


Sandy Hook and the Hockley's via the color purple (mind control) and butterflies (monarch), with Over The Rainbow (Oz programming) accompaniment. This is ALL media-driven make believe a la 'purple/rainbow' Orlando!!! Put the Hockley's in a search engine and see how much 'purple' pops out! A Sandy Hook location was featured in 'Batty-boner-man' (TDKR) and even the Aurora shooter was linked to the purple/monarch Joker via the same film.

Anonymous ID: 700527 Oct. 19, 2020, 11:42 a.m. No.11155519   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"They're really getting us with the fiction." (4th wall example, right there!)


Casey (Wood), have you ever considered that the 'alien theme' is a form of stealth cover for the (actual and real) nefarious aspects, ones that are employed via this culturally imperialist form of mass media/propaganda? What better way to terrorise the 'group mind', than using attacking aliens as the cover (like the sci-fi based predictive programming of 911). What better way to outline and describe the nefarious activities, ops and plans, that intel-ridden Hollywood performs on its personnel (who then infect wider society), by wrapping it all inside coded 'alien' schtick?


Where do all these movies come from? They come from vast corporate propaganda organs (aka Hollywood studios) with ties to intelligence (including military intelligence, CIA Nazis/Pentagon etc). Likely overlapping with 'mystery religion/Illuminati' based bloodlines, their corporations and linked private investors. Sci-fi's Robert 'OTO adept' Heinlein is mentioned in Casey's (Wood's) 'faculty' conversation.

Anonymous ID: 700527 Oct. 19, 2020, 12:26 p.m. No.11156355   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Led 'OTO' Zepp's magickal symbols…Page's 'zoso' symbol is likely related to Saturn.

The first three parts of the sigil or symbol also resemble the word "Zos" as found in the magical philosophy of Crowley's associate Austin Osman Spare known as 'Zos vel Thanatos'.


Bassist John Paul Jones' symbol, which he chose from Rudolf Koch's Book of Signs, is a single circle intersecting three vesica pisces (a triquetra). As featured in the iconography of the Charmed series.

Anonymous ID: 700527 Oct. 19, 2020, 12:56 p.m. No.11156866   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The US would see the West Memphis 3 child killing spree. Demonic Damien and Case File No. 93050-666


Damien '666 Crowley/OTO' Echols, Jason 'mutilator' Baldwin, and Jessie 'true confessions' Misskelly.

Sodomy and satanism. The top degree in the (satanic) Crowley OTO system primarily centres on homosexual sodomy!

Damien Echols and 666 - just like the satanic film series, The Omen. 666 Sodomite O-Men, literally.

Echols ALWAYS had an interest in black magick, satanism, and Aleister '666/Sodom' Crowley worship, he still does.

It's very, very likely that Echols/Baldwin were involved in a Black Magick cult (Misskelly also attended meetings).


This satanic POS was talking about the 'New Aeon' (Crowleyian term, Age of Horus) at around the age of 12.

Masonic Memphis and 'Memphis Rites' a la Crowley.


As a result of its enormous influence on the elite, the OTO has inaugurated and cemented the transformation of the masses – working in Hollywood, the corporate business world and within the US government

– spreading the "energy of Satan" across the planet, in the words of 'Frater Aussik 400'

(Kenneth 'Crowley' Grant), outer head of the OTO.


The ONLY reason those WM3 are free is due to (sick, satanic) Hollywood and the cult of celebrity!

Johnny 'sodomy satanist' Depp, Peter 'Ring Lord/Sodomy Song' Jackson, Marilyn 'Crowley/OTO' Manson, etc.

Sodomy deviant Peter 'Ring Lord' Jackson even put-up Echols in his NY apartment!

POS Jackson (and wife) massively helped in pressuring for their release, as have HBO's dumb Paradise Lost series (vomit).

THE WEST MEMPHIS 3 WERE ALWAYS GUILTY…all can be found in Misskelly's multiple confessions and the Laxton issue.

Satanic/paedo Hollywood has made sure that (satanic) Echols and Co. have been made into HEROES.

HOLLYWOOD is SATANIC SODOMITE CENTRAL - just as I have been imtimating - and all along. 'Cult of celebrity victims' (of which there are hundreds of millions) have been BRAINWASHED by these monsters, but then that's just standard for Hollywood and the sheep that remain entirely under its satanic spell.

Sick Baldwin cut-ff the testicles and de-skinned the penis of one of those 8 year-old boys (Byers).

Just like the Bulger killing - sexual assault (which including bondage-like tying) was a significant aspect of this crime.


It's Elm St. Nancy's boy (queer) aka Johnny Depp…he debuted via the child killer/molester Freddy Kruger series.

Speaking of child killers/molesters…it's Damien Echols. Echols and Elm St. Depp share matching tattoos.

Anonymous ID: 700527 Oct. 19, 2020, 1:36 p.m. No.11157535   🗄️.is 🔗kun

All very 'Silence of the Lambs'. I wonder if he (Gest) acted as a 'handler' of sorts, but I don't know.

Clearly, I am saying that Jackson, was yet another likely monarch mind control victim!


Kadir Nelson's cover to Michael's posthumous 2010 album release…the specific 'monarch' butterfly

Jackson also utilised the '777' kabbalist marker (a la 777 Crowley) for the HIStory release.

Anonymous ID: 700527 Oct. 19, 2020, 1:46 p.m. No.11157754   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Purple Prince, 'monarch' butterfly…New Girl. Deschanel, her mother featured in Twin 'demonic incest' Peaks!

Deschanel, would of course, feature in the 'Oz' (rainbow) based series Tin Man as DG (analogous to Dorothy 'Garland/Oz' Gale), it also featured Alan 'Eyes Wide Shut/Over The Rainbow' Cumming.


Post-2014 Super Bowl eps, it pulled in 25 million viewers. The 'monarch butterfly constantly follows him around.

Anonymous ID: 700527 Oct. 19, 2020, 1:48 p.m. No.11157784   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7858

"I've gotta go home y'all…

I've gotta go back to America

I've gotta go get ready for the bomb

Osama Bin Laden getting ready to bomb

America… you better watch out… 2001"

Anonymous ID: 700527 Oct. 19, 2020, 1:52 p.m. No.11157858   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Prince wasn't revealing for our benefit…he was mind controlled (an elite marionette) and this was likely an aspect of the wider (Zionist) processing/mind control (predictive programming) of the masses. Monarch mind control isn't just designed for these celebrities, it is also designed to manipulate the enthralled masses! Those folk who think Zionist MSM and Hollywood will save them (Prince as a truther etc), probably want locking up for their own and our safety, they are clueless and still thoroughly brainwashed by the 'cult of celebrity'.

Anonymous ID: 700527 Oct. 19, 2020, 1:59 p.m. No.11157958   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Patrick 'Nick/Devil, Angel of Death, NBA Twin Towers/WTC Twin Towers' Ewing

Patrick '9-11 dream Exorcist 3' Ewing…The New York skyline will never be the same!

Twin Towers Reduced To Rubble…Ewing and Cartwright


Twin Towers (tall man 'double team') terminology was so ingrained in the fabric of the NBA that, in hindsight, many of the headlines relating to its usage are more than a little cringe-worthy. A 1987 NY Times article recapping a 125-98 Knicks loss to the Hawks, in which the Knicks' duo of Patrick Ewing and Bill Cartwright (Twin 7 footers), were shut down and was given the unfortunate title: "Twin Towers Reduced to Rubble."

Anonymous ID: 700527 Oct. 19, 2020, 2:05 p.m. No.11158039   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The 'masonic' Kardashians/Jenners are (without doubt) the biggest 'inadequacy lie' makers, that the world has ever been subjected to, at least imo.