who was baking 8hrs nonstop and is now shilling in anon bread ?
i dare to tell you he´s a she
you´re oldfag female shitfuck who can´t control his ego.
now go ahead and neck yourself
stale meme
i´ts all so tiresome
Do you guys know how to be fucking anon ?
then don´t post identifiers ! easy as that. HUNT THEM DOWN!
i know, but you are a famewhoring egofaggot you can´t drop his identifier
no shit man, (woman)
i know exactly who you are in the inside, so, wanna talk about masons?
getting hot on that ?
>Deep embedded, does anyone even check this faggots archives in the first place?
>I never see them in the dough, I couldn't find the place for them.
>Hell, anyone can copypasta a fucking archive.
now you´re getting desperate
how long has it been ?
>>11159155 (lb)
>How many bakers is OSS?
>literally anyone that doesnt suck /comms/ dick