It's not an illusion. The world is a place where you get to do anything you want. Contrary to philosophers who claim there is no free will, free will is so radical that you can choose to deny it or renounce it. The free will is so radically free an individual through his decisions, experiences, interpretations of those builds his own worldview. After your body dies, what is left is your spirit that you have built through your sojourn here on earth. Without body, there are no physical limitations that force people to be in a communion together. Today, in the world, you cannot escape being affected by another person's actions. With no physical limitations, it is inconceivable that the wicked will be in communion with the good, like they are here on earth. The world is a long drawn-out education for human individuals and humanity as a race. It is a filtering process so that each "class" of people might come together and enjoy eachother's company when it is all said and done. The sociopaths full of greed and lust only succeed because there are innocent people who they can feast on. Once it is all said and done, that will be impossible. The sociopaths will enjoy the company of those who are their equal in spirit, other sociopaths.
As someone who has worked with people a lot. I've started to understand where the difference really is. In a "normal" person, there is not a sub-level (or three) of hidden motives in their behavior. They take things at face value. For example when I read in Bible multiple and multiple verses about how the evil plot/scheme against the good, I could not understand it initially. I thought it was just a lamentation that was not "real" to that extent. After having a lot more experience with people, I now understand that pathological people do in fact scheme/plot and have several levels of hidden motives that only other sociopaths are instinctively aware of. A person who operates "in light" and clearly cannot understand it because it is so foreign to him to think the same way a sociopath does.
And the battle cry of the sociopaths, is indeed the very same one satan delivers in the Bible:
>But you said in your heart, 'I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, And I will sit on the mount of assembly In the recesses of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.'
Their pre-occupation, as I've come to known through experience, is a ceaseless desire to place themselves above "the other". When you meet a gaze of a sociopath, they are instinctively immediately gauging your social rank and how they can use you to improve their own.
I think this is what we are ultimately up against. The spiritual children of the devil. I think where "we the people", the obviously imperfect yet still "normal" people failed, is we were too lenient at detecting and shunning from society morally corrupt people and once they took media it's obviously game over, because every child that grows up is being bombarded with images that will surely enslave him to money, power, social status and sex and once they're enslaved to that, they're "inside the game" and will bow to the same structures those morally corrupt people set up. Now, I do not think that those at the top of the pyramid are geniuses. Like Q says often, "these people are stupid". I think what we failed to realize is just how depraved a person can be and what kind of thought processes that can generate. Their victory came simply because we were not prepared to believe that such big yet banal EVIL was possible. That's why we didn't see it.