BackChannel Disinfo Meme Attack
I have been monitoring BackChannel since they started to see wha their agenda might be. Last night and this morning they grasped onto the Pelosi video drop by Q to start a meme campaign with their followers spreading disinformation.
They are claiming that Pelosi sold state secrets to North Korea for 100 million dollars and that Q and the video is the source of this (dis)information. Clearly in the video NK offers to sell Pelosi weapons.
Since they are claiming they are military counter intelligence, clearly they know that what they are promulgating and encouraging people to disseminate is entirely false and easily proven false.
Do we want to try to counter this somehow with our own Meme Attack based on real info? Do we want to attack the BackChannel twitter and expose it?
Seems like we should do something, or Q movement is going to get blamed for this disinfo, imho.
See for yourself:
https: //