Jeff Tool. He didn't mean it. He just always takes his pants down when he thinks he's alone. It's the new normal in batshit crazy homes.
Bad people. He thinks they've had enough trouble in life and deserve a break.
Us though. Well, he quite likes torturing us.
The ClimatoVirologaconomist sure is an intelligent man.
I think he's realising that in order to make a Real impact, the Sun itself needs to be shutdown.
Yes. Let's nuke the Sun to save the planet!!! Must ring Greta to get the 4ams informed quick.
Because perverts have 'insurance' files. "I get fired, Rudy gets a video of you at Christmas Party 2012."
That loon Alec Baldwin been drinking again?
Oh God!! It's Habbening!
Perception is the war and the battle. Not truth.
What people perceive is what will inform their choices.