Gamer comms?
17 posts
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Report post #1
Posted September 8, 2015
Hello fellow capitans. I have a question regarding hydrosonic search (I think that's the name)
I am a cruiser Capitan that really enjoys escorting BBs, be it shooting down planes, adding my fire to theirs or aggressively engaging a destroyer. Typically when I see a destroyer coming in for a trorp run or popping smoke because he has already launched and slipped into detectability, I hit the hydrosonic not only for myself but also to assist the ship I'm escorting to better react to the torps. However I'm not sure if my vision of torps is shared with other ships even if they are in close proximity to mine.
So my question is, if I am say 3-4 km from a BB I'm escorting and engaging a DD that is launching against said BB and I have my hydrosonic running, will the BB see the torps when I do? Or will I have to warn him in chat?