Now THAT would create an eerie silence on the board.
Anon from QRV has a theory onRed October
The movie "The Hunt For Red October" has been used multiple times in the Q drops and has caused some debate about the meaning of it all.
Some here have brought up the scene where the Red October is fired upon by another Russian sub and turns into the path of the torpedo to prevent it from being armed before it hits the target. I think this is significant but what comes next makes it even more relevant.
The attacking Russian sub then disables all the safeties on the torpedoes and fires again. They miss the target and the torpedo then locks on the American sub called USS Dallas which also gives it the slip.
The torpedo then locks onto the Russian sub that fired it. One officer then calls the commander an arrogant ass and tells him you have killed us all just before they are destroyed by their own torpedo. A boomerang suicide!!
This fits how the cabal have destroyed themselves. They started their attacking in the normal way. Playing it safe but as they faced off against us they realized we where far more resilient than they bargained for. Their attacks didn't hit the target.
At this point they became more careless and threw caution out the window. Taking bigger risks and having their own assets destroyed as everything escalated.
Rather than Russia being the enemy here we have been facing china. They created a weapon to destroy the USA but now face the reality that this weapon is now a bigger liability to themselves than America. They have come to the point that they would be better off if this weapon was destroyed.
But since their blackmail weapons have now been exposed it can now boomerang back and destroy the CCP. This is what is happening with the three Chinese hard drives. They detail all the control they have on USA politicians and the evil they did to get it. It details how they released a biological weapon on the world. It also details Xi's whole plan to destroy the USA. Public exposure being a disaster for them domestically.
The USA is the winner in the end and has the weapon under their control. Removing their strategic advantage. Giving them the secret they can now use themselves for stealth. The ability to use their secret against those that created it. A complete disaster for their enemies.
And like the movie it was their own people that fought to get the weapon into the hands of the USA. Just like those Chinese that have handed over these hard drives that china needed to remain a secret until they needed to use it.
Xi is the arrogant ass that killed the CCP with his own reckless behaviour. His own weapon has turned around and is headed straight for his own party.
All this after his assets of the msm, social media, corporations, UN, WHO, Hollywood, sports teams and the democrats have been destroyed by the same boomerang play that is now destroying him.
This leaves Xi and the CCP as the aggressors that killed themselves with no excuse to retaliate or blame the USA or anyone else. They sunk their own ships over and over again and no one to blame but themselves.
Once china is no longer under the control of the cabal they have no ability to force the NWO on us. The plan has been defeated. They needed china to be the occupation force under the guise of a UN peacekeeping mission to finish us off. But with china free they don't have the nessisary force required to win. It's all over when china revolts against the CCP. And these hard drives will trigger that revolution according to those that have it.
The movie does seem to fit as an analogy for our current situation very well imho.
Thoughts guys?!