Phil Collins - In the Air Tonight
As POTUS is on final approach & is cleared to land
Phil Collins - In the Air Tonight
As POTUS is on final approach & is cleared to land
They almost always do at every Rally. But RSBN channel only begs & screams over all of that, so a lot of people probably don't even know they do that more often than not
Shut up.
Fake shit like that is what the left does. you fucking retard. POTUS is not a monkey.
Because Jack "chatlog" Posocunt is a faggot & OANN was given them, but they refuse to release them except one email chain at a time. one per day. We haven't gotten any today tho. just the one from last night.
Fuck I hope they hang with the rest of the scumbags
A Broward poll worker tried to remove maskless voters. Elections chief let them vote
Biden Offers Anyone Who Votes For Him A Seat On The Supreme Court