Anonymous ID: 64328b Oct. 19, 2020, 4:32 p.m. No.11160193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0244 >>0259

>>11158483 (PB)

Go easy on supporting Scientologists.

t. chanology oldfag that knows their game. I hate that they support POTUS. "Someone" very close to Ghislaine Maxwell, and has taken great pains to hide her identity, is conducting rebranded Scientology mind control techniques on CHILDREN in her therapy practice.


IF the clams support POTUS, simply be fucking afraid. Not one of them would be speaking out for POTUS unless they were given the OK to do so by Miscavaige.


The links between Scientology, Robert Maxwell and the use of the data and methods developed within Scientology for ultimate mind control. Scientology conducted and still IS conducting the world's longest running NON regulated mind control experiment ever.


Stop dismissing the clams as a whacky religion. How the fuck do they get people to spend over 300k to reach OT3 in order to learn the biggest secrets of scientology only to have the "locked suitcase" (not kidding) brought into the room has hand written documents revealing that long ago an alien named Xenu came to earth in a DC 3 and dropped souls into volcanos. This information is now widely avaialbe for free on the Internet, but people still pay. WHY? They are told and they believe that if they read the documents before they are ready, they will die. Chanology was able to disable many of their goons and get them off the streets by chanting OT3, they'd scatter like rats holding their ears. For some reason it never occurred to them to wonder why we didn't drop dead.


Scientology mind control techniques ARE being used to train Antifa, and used in Sunrise's school infiltration campaign (funded by Assymetrical Solutions) that panics kids about climate change, teaches them to protest and separates those willing to be arrested from those who cannot risk arrest.


Asymmetrical Solutions is a paramilitary group whose LOGO is the CASTLE/ROOK chess piece.



Anonymous ID: 64328b Oct. 19, 2020, 4:44 p.m. No.11160382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0593 >>0762


LOL "former" CIA. That whole thing was the CIA tossing Obama and Hillary under the bus and slightly twisting the dial away from the truth.


CIA has been using a fake mocked up Bin Laden as a boogeyman for years. Killing seal team 6 members who were on the raid was to cover UP that Bin Laden was NOT killed in that raid. The "chosen" one to write the book and claim the kill is fake as fuck and and that was about to come out. SO Parrot a CURRENT CIA agent popped up to twist the dial.

Anonymous ID: 64328b Oct. 19, 2020, 5:08 p.m. No.11160762   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Bringing normies up to speed on stuff I learned over the course of 5 years is impossible. But I can promise you this is one of the greatest threats to our country and Trump appears to know this.


People laugh and dismiss it as a crazy religionwithout realizing this.


Ex clams cannot give up the tech. Even once they get out of the "cult" organization, they cannot stop using "the tech". They continue to "deliver services" for free to ex's and the clams hate that because they claim it infringes on their copyrights. Go type in squirrel busters into youtube search. The people that are assigned to watch the "squirrels" aka ex clams use tactics that have been honed over years.


Protestors were constantly warned NOT to go into the borgs to "infiltrate" and pretend to be interested in joining in order to report and document the process.DO NOT DO IT…they said…and naturally they didn't listen. We actually lost a few protestors who literally joined the cult merely after watching the initial free film and taking the free class. That's how good they are now.


Robert Maxwell and L. Ron were bffs. Just store this information away. And remember how easily people are programmed. Repetition. The cn.hanting from Antifa that started with OWS is call and response which is errily like a scientology auditing session.


Also all auding sessions in which you are harangued into "confessing your crimes" are video tapped. "WHAT ARE YOUR CRIMES". they claim that if scientology isn't working for you it's because you're hiding your crimes.


The clams started sucking Farrakhan's dick during chanology. The most stupid people on the fucking planet because L. Ron hated blacks and until the clams let now ex Jesse Prince in for opticsblacks were forbidden in scientology. SOFarrakhan goes in for auditing. guess who owns Farrakhan now? AND I MEAN OWNS. If he did auditing there's a tape-if he confessed anything–there's a tape. We thought they were trying to get the free use of the NOI suit goons for extra security against protests. They dropped the attempt to suck in more blacks because they cannot afford it.


Clams are ass deep in human trafficking. They can't get Americans to sign onto the sea org to work the borgs for free so they lure mostly impoverished Eastern Europeans with a religious worker visa. they Import them into the US and lodge them 20 to a 1 bedroom apt. and pay them jack and take their passports so they can't leave. They also use their religious status in countries to embed CIA agents into other countries as "religious workers".


Scientology is a problem. The "undercover nurse" you lot were slurping up is a clam. There is no way she would have done that without Miscavaige permission. NEVER ever trust a clam. Ever.


If you start poking, you'll find it. Ingo Swann was a naturally talented Remote Viewer. Clams got him to join thinking they could figure out how he did it and develop a super power around that skill–they failed.



