thanks bakes
thanks anons
here's the map
this the map you're talking about hotwheels?
every actual anon archived this shit years ago
no? nothin?
talking about a comms faggot map that you kikes are pretending is real?
what nigga
so literally posting the map as confirmed by Q makes me a cia nigger?
holy fucking shit your wheelchair has made you fucking retarded
kinda what i was hoping for
do it
that is not at all oss
you have just revealed yourself to be the subversive little shit that i knew you were
just take me on the floor
no one trains me
im anon
i work for free
the map has always been there
if you're referring to a /comms/ kike map then i don't know what you're talking about
because i don't live in a desert
nah man
i got time immemorial
i dont need any moar time and i sure as shit don't need you
im good
you think my life depends on this election?
you think my life depends on this government?
my god
you are fucking powerless