the baker kerfuffle
is all the same person/team
the bread that ends first is the thred that keeps going.
so, keep it up and you'll make sure of it.
the robo poster of dots with 76 posts isn't the reason?
you only add to it. you should know that hte discord team works as a team.
you contribute to it by blaming the anon for the behavior of a shill team of discord bakers.
discord bakers are all the same people.
the slur comes before the internment.
anyone who speaks about Jews here is called that, no matter what they say.
(1) there is no way to know that it is a 'person'. most likely a team.
(2) all the discord bakers,all the bakers, work as a team.
the 'fight' is like pro wrestling.
if you interact with them at all you will realize it's a bit that they do.
they run the kitchen and they want attention so they do this bit.
I tried to mediate it once.
the KYS-shill emerged in one of the people from one side.
then, I engaged the one who was larping as AFLB and said tht the first slanders him, even though he posts anime that is not a crime. He doesn't post criminal stuff.
that was also met with that same knee jerk (and name-faggish) 'kys-shill' response.
I can't know for sure that it is definitely the same person, but it's as sure as any jingo: the discord bakers are the same people/team/person (can't be a person, has to be a team or a script because they are here all the time)
so we don't know who they are.
we don't know if it's AFLB (though they want us to think it is)
AFLB doesn't post illegal stuff (that I've seen) and tends to be long winded when he/she is posting (with very long stuff).
another 'tell' is the horror of the worst of the shillscripts is missing . . . when the bfaker wars are being staged (like a play).
all in all it's a way to 'keep it interesting' , makes conflict. Definitely shows that there is no group think here, and confuses all new people.
is it 'evil'? are pro Wrestlers good/evil? they are all good.
if it's a team of shill bakers who knows why they do this stupidity.
ooh, ya, there is a chap named FB whose name shows up in every bread, he plays a kind of devilish 'muh hee hee' role, like a bit character from an old camp situation comedy.
He's supposedly 'evil' but in the end when his wheel chair falls over I can imagine him rolling out of it and saying 'help me' and all the other players will rush over to help him and upright him and put him back in his angry-chair, and he'll go on with the 'mee so angry, Jim so bad' bit, and we'll all 'love him by hating the character that the plays' Think of 'rodeo clowns.'
so it's not evil. It is very annoying, however.
I would post JPos just to get a reaction sometimes.
why not.
think 'rodeo clowns' during a slow part of the round-up demonstration.
'themed' bakers.
that's a great way to say it.
How could AFLB be here 12-16 hours at a time baking and being a bitch when he knows that many don't hate him and understand how he got like that, and that he's driven to be what he is?
maybe it's possible.
but it's far more likely that the 'character' of him is taken up by those who need to put on a distractive rodeo clown kind of effort.
it is dangerous work, by the way, being a real rodeo clown.
so themed bakers?
like if you were playing a video game from the late 1990s,
Bakey Bakey.
let's get it Rock and rhyme bakey Bakey.
you have to snow board and bake in seattle at the same time . . .
but make sure you sellect your correct character . . .
Trippy Trippy (it's Trickey in the real video game)
ya, it's all a play.
themed specialty bakers have gayed up the breads . . .
Their need for speciallty themed and flavored baking has . . . made for a tedius baker-drama.