Who remembers when it was just anons…before Q…i do…lot less nonsense…
Just good old boys…looking for hidden info..the start of wiki [leaks] takes a long time to catch big criminals…ask rudy..he got the mob…people fail to remember it…who killed who before [hrc] got her seat…just little bits of the puzzle your crazy for thinking about?
Always wonder why nothing happened…
Do rico cases mixed with treason take awhile when players are [big]?
How do you handle it without hurting the nation?
Is it like on dictator to blame another..
China blames russia through paid americans disinformation? 2 steps removed
Whos navys are banding together?
Whos [fishing] boats are all over [fishing] illegally?
Who stands and seas but doesnt say?
Just a watcher..for a long long time!!!
Any "newfags" this place is filled to the brim with information overload…all sides seek to push a view…how hard are the bad views pushed and why?…by who…
Remeber it all started chasing criminals
Long before trump even was a voice of reason to most of america!!!