>just checking in…
>just clocking in after….
>looks like we….
>just checking…
>oh, let me make sure my vpn switched, okay..
>just checking in after 24 hours in a coma….
totally fucking organic.
gas yourselves.
>just checking in…
>just clocking in after….
>looks like we….
>just checking…
>oh, let me make sure my vpn switched, okay..
>just checking in after 24 hours in a coma….
totally fucking organic.
gas yourselves.
sheer stupidity by those who fail to understand the welcome message nor realize this all started on /pol/
>you get numb to it over time.
kek, so true.
been that way for so many years that it's become a comfortable numbness.
finding humor in the things that would disgust or offend most people is what keeps me going.
turns out the leftist faggots and the right neocohens both want safe space echo chambers.
who would've thunk it.
she's cute.