Trump is at MarALago
Diane found out the bad stuff and they killed her.
President JFK - assassinated
Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson - involved in assassination
President Ronald Reagon - attemped assassination
Vice Presient George H.W. Bush Sr - involved in attemped assassination
President Trump - attemped assassination +
Vice President Pence - involved in assassination attemps?
[P] = Pence
Nancy Pelosi is so loud I totally forgot Maxine. Anyone seen her lately?
Pence is VP as well as Bush and Johnson. That is their connection. I only see the map. All are pawns. Who said [P] would be powerful? [P] was to be taken down later. When would be the best time to take down your own VP? Think.
Queen could be chair but Phillip is too stupid to be Master. If he was Master Queen would have stepped down years ago and let him be King. Master is someone/something else
I was thinking of Charles when I posted that.