Q posts TREE on 4/20
Searched the first string in the image name - nothing on Google, but Bing went ahead and stripped the letters out and returned a plant-related result for the remaining digits 471496.
The resulting page is
https:// npgsweb.ars-grin.gov/gringlobal/taxonomydetail.aspx?417496
This simply a taxonomy page for Conopholis americana.
Wikipedia gives a bit more info on this plant, including the common name "american cancer-root", which fills in the A and C that are in the original string.
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conopholis_americana
Plant is found in Florida. Native americans used for medicinal purposes.
It's a non-photosynthesizing parasitic plant.
A plant that doesn't survive by LIGHT, rather by PARASITISM.
Pic related.