Your stomach needs acid.
When it has to resort to making its own, you get acid reflux. Eat dill pickles, or any fermented veg in vinegar, v&o salad dressing, etc. It will kick the acid reflux to the curb.
You can also put a tsp of vinegar (Braggs, with the Mother) in an 8oz glass of water, and squeeze in some lemon. Lemon is acidic also. Had an ulcer, years ago, and kicked it wo meds/surgery, by changing my diet.
Check out Dr. Berg on YouTube. He talks about 4 diff body types and the issues associated with each body type. It all comes down to your endocrine system and fixing it. When one system in your body fails, the other systems have to pick up the slack. This duality can tax even the healthiest body eventually. He has a 4-5 question online test you can take to see which one you are. And you can have the symptoms of more than one. I Started following him in January, and it's Life Changing. Not kidding.
Your body was made to break down food, obtain nutrients, fix issues and become the perfect purring machine. It's all about WHAT you put in it. It doesn't help when we have been led astray by Big Pharma (eager to push drugs), FDA (lying about what we truly need on a daily basis) and Monsanto (GMO-monger changing plant DNA-which affects our metabolism), and heavy metals introduced to our food/water supply (FLuride, lead, mercury-vaccines- etc.) Go organic and get rid of heavy metals.
You need to take control of YOUR health instead of waiting for some bassackwards DR to prescribe a pill. If you found 8ch, you can do research. It's available, open source!