10 20 is a "thing"
just sayn
no way we'll know if NG has been called?
Didnt that happen years ago already?
10 20 is a "thing"
just sayn
no way we'll know if NG has been called?
Didnt that happen years ago already?
fuck off nazi
what a surprise.
dudes are supposed to be so smart
yet they accept the jfk legend that the President was hit from behind
And fail to understand the implications
they support war. Surveillance. And lull the "high IQ" idiots into a sense of supremacy over the "poor hillbillies"
TEDx also censors important scientific info under the guise of being "real scientists"
The need to control the info as they all have, all these years.
yes, i think it's a known known
Americans undercover in Communist China were whacked because of leaks of info … off HRC s laptop, Biden's laptop or from Dianne's Chinese Communist driver.
I wonder how much money her family got for all that.
Her first husband was a pedo. discovered right before he died unexpectedly.
And just coincidentally she discovered the body of Harvey Milk, which death created the opening for her career.