>>11173515 (lb)
>and yet we sit here with no idea if the patriots ACTUALLY are in control.
How long you reckon patriots have been sitting on Hunter's hard drive?
How long you reckon the D party was planning on putting Joe up for Pres (they weren't)?
Why do state COVID restrictions expire after the election?
Where is Hunter, really?
How come ISIS is basically no more?
Why did Trump move the embassy to Jerusalem?
Why do you suppose all the ABCs are stonewalling indictments except for precise ones that allow certain cases to move forward?
When Flynn is ultimately freed (probably around March next year), what types of testimonies in what types of courts can he provide?
Ever wonder why Rudy kept talking about RICO (see maps)?
Ever wonder what a patriotic Supermajority does for expeditiously enacting legislation that can overhaul Obamacare, the IRS, the FED, and other bureaucracies while bolstering our military, courts, and freedoms?
Why has GITMO been expanded twice, now?
Why are section 230 protections under the microscope in regards to platforms that host/spread CP and other blackmail material?
Shit's about to hit the fan, anon. Lots of it.