They're a bunch of subversive mother fuckers who use marxist tactics.
There will be a great awakening one day but this current faux one is nowhere near it.
It may take another 10-20 years but people will eventually get fed up enough for IRL steps.
Once all the boomers are gone and the ones who were molded to see the truth of degeneracy that's been perpetuated upon the Country as a whole (just look at everyone openly praising degenerate faggots now) will be the ones taking significant steps to fight for the Country that the Founders wanted, fought real fights for, bled and died for.
Long hours slaving to just pay bills only to appease the (((billionaire money masters and bankers))), losing time away from family, etc.
This "movement" has gone from trying to awaken people to the moral decay of America to stroking a chubby to boomer tits and faux news links.
Fake ass conservatives pretending they're not lukewarm progressive communists while unironically using the same exact vernacular that communists use. (racist, sexist, bigot, etc, etc.)
The day of reckoning will be ugly.
Pretenders can keep on pretending.