He's been doing it for a little bit. Kinda think the same thing, kinda think he's just an anon thats trying to find out
thats not super damning tbh besides the crack. Unless this is a girl he does things with and she doesnt talk about it like it sorta sounds
Oh shit. With the FBI confirming the laptop, and Wray being a "sleeper",
has he and others been playing along with the DS in order to get them to use them for certain things? Entrap them in the entire thing
FBI confirmed the laptop. Wray seems kinda like a sleeper like Q said. If so, maybe this will go fed and actually be taken care of?
Not counting on it, But a bit hopeful
lol Not even close
What are you thinking,anon
I lean towards that as well. Am considering Wray may actually be a sleeper now that they confirmed the laptop, but not putting much merit in it.
sleepers gotta sleep, ya know. He knew he would get through that fine
We'll see